Serving the Local Community

LiveArts Studio acknowledges the tapestry of a communi. The cultural uniqueness, concerns, and challenges, as well as the perspectives, problems and possibilities of urban communities as well as rural and metropolitan areas. We use an approach that appeals to the multiple learning style(s) of our participants, and we help them infuse their style(s) of learning into all that they do and create with us. We encourage variety, out-of-the-box thinking; embracing the uniqueness, vision and energy that participants bring. By employing one’s passion or interests as a means of discovery and self-actualization, individuals can influence their futures by developing a sense of understanding about concepts, and find ways of embracing their potential; albeit engaging art as a form of creative exploration, or as a means of developing a source of economic self-sufficiency. We partner with local community institutions such as public, private home school, independent schools, social service organizations, faith-based organizations and state agencies.   

See what we're doing in the community:

  • LiveArts Studio is an arts & culture organization in the state of Indiana.


Donate. Volunteer. Create something.

Contact us: 4760 Broadway, Gary, IN, 46408 | Phone: 219-221-8211 | email: